Connect. EXPLORE. Celebrate. Empower.

Enhancing the lives of neurodiverse individuals and their families.

At Next Steps Neurodiversity, we are dedicated to empowering communities by fostering connections and collaboration. Our mission is to host inclusive in-person resource fairs that connect communities with providers, organizations, businesses, and schools passionate about neurodiversity. We focus on showcasing programs and resources for individuals with autism and related disabilities, providing access to information that supports informed decisions and enhances well-being.

Our Vision

Empowering communities through connection and collaboration, we aim to become the leading catalyst for advancing neurodiversity awareness and support. We envision vibrant events that unite individuals and various stakeholders and foster a culture of understanding, inclusion, and opportunity for all.

Our Core Values


We prioritize building connections between individuals, organizations, and businesses within the community, fostering these relationships to create a supportive network.

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We are committed to learning and innovation, and continuously seek new opportunities to serve our attendees and improve their experience at our events.

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We recognize and honor the strengths, achievements, and contributions of neurodiverse individuals, their families, and allies.

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We are dedicated to promoting self-determination and autonomy by providing accessible resources, empowering individuals to reach their fullest potential.

Our Founder

Photo of Lea Anne Paskvalich, Founder

Lea Anne Paskvalich

CEO and Founder
Next Steps Consulting

"We created these events to connect the local community to providers, organizations, businesses, and schools who are passionate about neurodiversity."

Lea Anne Paskvalich is a distinguished neurodiversity consultant and the founder of Next Steps Consulting LLC, based in Boulder, Colorado. Her commitment to the neurodiversity movement is evident in her professional endeavors and her role as the visionary behind the Next Steps Neurodiversity Resource Fairs. These events connect local communities with providers, organizations, businesses, and schools passionate about neurodiversity.

With over two decades of experience, Lea Anne has dedicated her career to supporting autistic individuals and their families. She connects them with essential education, employment, resources, and relationships. Recognized as a leading expert in neurodiversity resources and support, Lea Anne has an extensive background in various roles catering to the needs of neurodiverse individuals.

Lea Anne served as the Executive Director of the Autism Society of Colorado from 2020 to 2022, where she played a pivotal role in advocating for and supporting the autism community. Her tenure as the Director of Admissions and Public Relations at the Temple Grandin School in Boulder, CO, from 2011 to 2020, further solidified her expertise in understanding the unique gifts and challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals. Additionally, Lea Anne has contributed her skills and knowledge to various organizations, including the Autism Society of America, the University of Colorado Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Science, and the Boulder Valley School District, among others.